Note: Users will need the be assigned to the role "Administration: Account Super User" to edit, upversion, and/or retire document categories.


Approving a Document Category

Once all the settings are configured for a draft document category, it is ready to be approved for use to make the category active. To do this, click approve for use under the actions tab at the document category level:



Once the category is approved, you will see the category is labeled as active:



Editing & Up-Versioning a Document Category

Once a document category is active and changes need to be made, some changes will require a category revision. To up-version an active document category, navigate to the category and click on create new version under the actions button:


A new draft version of the category will be created. Once the new category version is marked active, the previous category version will be retired. 


Retiring a Document Category

When a document category is no longer needed, it can be retired. To retire the category, please click on retire under the actions button at the category level:



Note: Retiring a document category will not retire the documents in that category. All documents will need to be moved to a different category before the old category can be deleted.


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