Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Documents" to have a "view only" of all created document categories. Users will need the be assigned to the role "Administration: Account Super User" to create/edit document category approval workflows.


There are four approval workflows for each document category; these workflows can mimicked each other or they can be different in their entirety. These approvals are found at the category level, under the General tab:



Approval-Major Revisions

Note: Major revisions involves significant changes to the content, structure, or procedures outlined in a document. These changes may impact the current process, require re-training of personnel, and/or have regulatory implications. 


The major revision category workflow will be the first workflow listed, as shown below. To configure this workflow, click the Manage button:



Click Add Step to start the configurations:

add step.png


Fill out all information in slider:


  1. Step: Add step number.
  2. Step Name: Add approval step name.
  3. Action Type: There are two options to choose from, needs to sign OR needs to view.
  4. Save/Cancel: Save or cancel your progress.
  5. Add Step: Click here when all information is filled in.


Repeat the process from the beginning until all steps are created. The configurations set for this workflow can be mimicked for the rest of the workflows. When the major revisions workflow is created, you will see that these configurations carried down the line:


set to approval.png


To remove these configurations from the other approval workflow types, simply click the Manage button for the other approval types and deselect the box shown below:




Periodic Review

Note: Periodic review refers to the systematic process of evaluating and updating documents to ensure they remain accurate, effective, and compliant with regulatory requirements. These reviews ensures that procedures reflect current best practices, address any changes in processes or regulations, and continue to support quality objectives.


To configure this workflow, click the Manage button:


Fill in the information in the slider box:


  1. Same as Approval Workflow: Check this box if you would like this approval workflow to mimic the major approval workflow.
  2. Add Step: Add a step here if you would like to configure an independent workflow from the approval workflow. 

Repeat the process from the beginning until all steps are created.



Retire Workflow

Note: Retirement of a document refers to the systematic process of identifying, documenting, and removing outdated or obsolete procedures to ensure that only current and relevant documents are available to personnel which prevents confusion, errors, and non-compliance.


To configure this workflow, click the Manage button:


Fill in the information in the slider box:


  1. Same as Approval Workflow: Check this box if you would like this approval workflow to mimic the major approval workflow.
  2. Add Step: Add a step here if you would like to configure an independent workflow from the approval workflow. 

Repeat the process from the beginning until all steps are created.



Approval-Minor Revisions

Note: Minor revisions involves relatively small or incremental changes to the existing document without fundamentally altering the process or procedures. These changes typically do not require retraining.


To configure this workflow, click the Manage button:


Fill in the information in the slider box:


  1. Same as Approval Workflow: Check this box if you would like this approval workflow to mimic the major approval workflow.
  2. Add Step: Add a step here if you would like to configure an independent workflow from the approval workflow. 


Repeat the process from the beginning until all steps are created.

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