Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Documents" to have a "view only" of all created document categories. Users will need the be assigned to the role "Administration: Account Super User" to create/edit document categories.


Navigate to the Settings icon from the Main Dashboard:



Under Configuration, click on Document Categories:



Click Create:

dc create.jpg


Fill in the document category information and click Create when finished:

category info.png


  1. Name: Name of Document Category (Must Be Unique)
  2. Description: Description of the Category
  3. Key: Key for All Documents in the Category (Must Be Unique)
  4. Key Starting #: Must be "1" or Greater
  5. Document Key-ID Preview: A Preview of the Key and Key Starting Number
  6. Create: Click "Create" When Finished


Next, you will be directed to the category settings page.



The General Tab

Under the General tab, you will see four areas to configure for the category:



1. Details: This section displays the category details, such as the name, description, & Key-ID information.


2. Workflows: In this section, you can configure workflow approval signatures for various document states.


3. Default Settings for New Documents: The document security, archive rules, and document review interval are configured in this section.


4. Default Training Settings for New Documents: Training grace periods, user retraining intervals, and auto training record creation for authors and workflow participants are configured here.


The Roles/Permissions Tab

Under the Roles/Permissions tab, you will see the document category permissions. These permissions can be assigned to either individuals and/or roles. The permissions granted at the document category level are applied to that specific document category only:



  1. Can Edit All Settings In This Category: User can edit any document category settings.
  2. Can See All Documents (Read Only Access): User can see all documents in this category on the documents full table.
  3. Will Restrict Authors to These Listed: User can be chosen as an author when a new document is created. If left blank, all active users will be able to be selected as an author.
  4. Can Edit Any Document in CategoryUser can edit documents in this category.
  5. Can Edit Document Details, Category Defaults, Custom Fields, and Link/Attachments: Users can edit the items listed.
  6. Can Create New Documents: User can create new documents in this category.
  7. Can Cancel Active Workflows: user can cancel any active workflows for documents.
  8. Can Delete Draft Documents: User can delete any draft documents in the category.
  9. Can See Archive & Permanently Delete Eligible Items: User can access the document archive table and delete items (if applicable). 
  10. Controlled Copies: Issue: User can issue controlled copies for this category. 
  11. Controlled Copies: Destroy: User can destroy controlled copies for this category.
  12. Can Delegate Signatures For Any Active Workflows: User can delegate active signatures. 
  13. Receives Escalation Notices For Past Due Items: User receives email escalation notices for past due items. 
  14. Can Access Audit Trail Data For Items In This Category: User can access the document audit trail.
  15. Can View All Items In This Category On The My Company Dashboard: User can see all training information on the "My Company Dashboard" for all documents in this category. 


The PDF Export Options Tab

The PDF Export Options tab is the place to configure what will be included in PDF exports:

PDF Export Options.png

  1. Shrink Document to Accommodate Header: The application will automatically create a margin at the top of the documents to fit the ZenQMS generated header.
  2. Include ZenQMS Data Page: The data page summarizes key document metadata that can be added to the export; there are options under this section to include on the data page. 
  3. Insert Page Header: This is the ZenQMS generated header. The header will always display the document name, state, and version. Here is the option to either add the document Key-ID, legacy ZenQMS document ID, or no ID at all. 
  4. Custom Fields: If custom fields are created for the document category, they can be added to the generated header.
  5. Add Watermarks: Watermark configurations are made here. Watermarks can be different for various states of documents. 


The Custom Fields Tab

Document category custom fields allow you to add plain text/instructions, account custom fields, or document category specific custom fields that will be linked to all documents in the document category. These fields will be visible in the document view screen and exported PDFs (in header or content sections). The data fields can also be used in full table filters/sorts. There are three custom field types that can be added to a document category:

custom field.png


  1. Plain Text/Instructions: It will be a text box that you can add instructions or any other applicable information.
  2. Account Custom Fields: These are custom fields that are made on the account level which are universal custom fields that can be used in other modules. 
  3. Category Specific Custom Fields: These are custom fields that will be for the specific document category only. 


Once all the sections are filled out, under the Actions button, click the Approve For Use to make the document category active:


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