Q: Do we have to re-create the custom fields for each and every document category in our account since the update? The legacy document custom fields were transitioned to the 'Account Custom Field' section found under 'Settings'. You do not have to rebuild them. You can add them to the category(s) at the category level under the 'custom field' section.


Q: For draft review, will previous versions be retained and be accessible?  The previous revisions will be retained until the document is approved. Similar to how the legacy module functioned.


Q: Are documents viewable for all Zen users regardless of being assigned to said document for training? Documents are visible based on if a user is assigned to train on a document or if the user has permission to see the documents (this is set at the Document Category level).


Q: How we can add additional custom field columns in the Documents Full Table? Select the box icon on the right hand side of the table to open up the column selector. You can then add custom fields to the table. 


Q: For the document review process, can we remove the need to add the little note to the document? For a document to go through a revision, or any review process, the user must leave a comment on the document first. This is parity to the old module. 


Q: If we have duplicate custom fields now that document and account custom fields have occured, can we delete one of the duplicates and use a single custom field? If not, how should we unify custom fields moving forward? Please do not delete any custom fields at this time. There will be a plan to merge the custom fields for duplicates. More to come on this! 


Q: Is there the ability to swap approvers when a document is routing for approval? Yes! These settings can be configured at the document category level. 


Q: Will outstanding draft review signatures be shown in the "workflow pending signatures" on the documents full table? At the time, you can find this information in the Insights Module.


Q: Can we add the ability to change approval workflow steps in our existing categories? Yes, you can do this now. You must create a new version of your category and in that new draft you create, you can update the approval steps. 


Q: When we open a document it displays MIG key, can we customize this display? Yes! We can help you update your document key ids. Please reach out to the help desk at help@zenqms.com. 

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