Q: Can anyone who can view the document see the audit trail?
A: This is based on permissions at the category level. Users will need the permission "Can Access Audit Trail Data For Items In This Category".
Q: Is the document search feature just for the document content, meaning is it different than the current search which also pulls up comments, header/footer info, etc?
A: The search feature at the individual document level searches all data in the document.
Q: Is there still a 3 author limit?
A: No. You can add as many authors as you wish.
Q: Can you link Items that are NOT in Zen already?
A: You can link items to documents that are not in ZenQMS by having a custom field on the document that contains the external item's URL link.
Q: Will we be able to attach files to documents?
A: Currently, no. This is a feature that will be coming out after the initial new documents module release.
Q: We have a custom document number we assign; can that custom document number be added to the ZenQMS generated header?
A: If you are utilizing a custom field to manually keep track of the document number, you will still be able to add it to the document header and all current custom fields will be carried over to the new documents module. If you are using the Key-ID, you will have an option to include the Key-ID instead of the ZenQMS generated ID to the header.
Q: Will the training options interfere with existing training courses?
A: There will be no interference to existing training courses.
Q: If a document goes past the target date approval date, will it still immediately become effective once approved if that date is not changed?
A: Yes.
Q: Can we change the training parameters after a signature workflow is launched without cancelling the workflow?
A: The workflow will need to be cancelled to change this setting.
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