Q: Will we get a means of deleting a table view or will it be through Support? We will be introducing the ability to delete table views from the front end of the app on Jan 28th.


Q: Are all search fields case sensitive? No.


Q: Is it on the roadmap to have this search function come back for the 'Category' column on the documents full table? Yes! 


Q: When will the structured draft review be implemented again? We are aiming for the Draft Review Process to be implemented later this quarter, as always though, timing may change depending on other urgent needs/fixes.


Q: Will there be a download button available during the draft review for the reviewer in order to download the word doc version of the draft to their own computer if we are not using the microsoft desktop? Authors and users with access are able to download the word document to make edits.


Q: How can users access the Insights module who are not Super Users? At the role level, you can give a role the permission to access Insights.


Q: For users other than the Author would the permission Can Edit Any Document in Category allow them to view the tab with Draft Review status? Correct!


Q: What is the difference in minor and major revisions, how do you know which one you need? Minor revisions do not require training while major revisions can force retraining.


Q: Can we add Key-IDs to the documents in ZEN without needing export? You can add key ID to the header, this is configured at the category level.


Q: Is super user training update with the new features in the documents module? Yes!



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