Q: Can controlled copies be shared outside of ZenQMS users?
A: They can not. All controlled copies can only be viewed by users that are active in the account.
Q: Can peer review run in parallel and in real time or can only one user review at one time?
A: Reviewing can be ran in parallel; this includes using collaborative editing.
Q: If a user notates a requested "suggested edit" change, is it required to click 'minor' up-version?
A: It is not. The author of the document can review the suggested added and will determine the changes that need to be made.
Q: Will the document full table filters still populate in the Reports Dashboard?
A: No. The saved full table views that are shared with the whole company can now be accessed from the document full table. Only Audit reports will still populate in the Reports Dashboard.
Q: Will users have to go to the Workflow/ Electronic Signature History icon on the right to sign a document now (guessing this is where they will be directed from the Key click on the My Dashboard) since that's where delegation link shows now?
A: Yes, that is correct. Clicking on the key ID link from their dashboard will take them to the document. They will see the ability to approve/reject in the sidebar.
Q: Will users still have the options to download/ edit/ view from the document full table, or will this update completely remove those buttons?
A: The edit/ view option will be consolidated into clicking on the document name, as the new documents module will open the document within the same tab as the doc management window. Depending on users’ permission level, they will be granted the edit/view access accordingly.
Q: Will there still be a Comment requirement for Periodic Review?
A: Yes, you are required to make an annotation or comments to complete.
Q: Will there be options to lock document category settings?
A: Yes!
Q: Will all users see the right side bar or just the authors/super users/category editors?
A: Users will see the icons but the functionality of them are permissions based.
Q: Does the system enforce a comment to mark it Current?
A: Yes!
Q: Who will be able to delegate workflow signatures to be completed to another user?
A: Admins will be able to delegate workflow tasks to another user. There’s also a permission called “Can Delegate Signatures For Any Active Workflows”, that will allows users to delegate workflow tasks to another user.
Q: Will there be any changes to notifications of required document approvals in the dashboard?
A: Signature requirements will be listed on the activity list on your Main Dashboard. Users will also receive email notifications based on their settings.
Q: Is there any change to configuration of challenge questions?
A: The functionality is the same, but with a new look.
Q: Where do you link documents in the new interface?
A: In the document management/ view window.
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