Public and private saved tables views can be deleted from the full table by the creator of that specific view. Any user that is assigned to the Administration: Account Super User role can delete any public saved table view, no matter the the view creator. 




Deleting Saved Table View as the View Creator

On the documents full table, select the view that you created from the dropdown:



Once the view is selected, click on the gear icon. Next, click on 'delete current view':



You will be required to confirm this action. Once confirmed, the saved table view will be removed from the account:





Deleting Saved Table Views as a Super User


As a reminder, users will need to be assigned to the 'Administration: Account Super User' role to delete public saved table views that other users have created.



From the documents full table, click on the dropdown to view all saved table views that are public. You can hover over the saved table view name to see who the creator was. You must hover over the world icon to see the table view owner/creator. Select the view so that it populates on the full table:



Once the view is selected, click on the gear icon and you can delete the saved, public table view:



You will be asked to confirm this action before the table view is deleted. The creator of the saved, public table view will not get a notification that the view has been deleted.:



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