CAT - General
In this tab, you will be creating categories for all documents that you are bringing into ZenQMS. After the document categories are created, you will then create settings for these categories in this same tab.
Name: The name of the Document Category you are creating. Once approved for use, this field is locked down and cannot be edited.
Description: A brief description of the Document Category you are creating. Once approved for use, this field is locked and cannot be edited.
Key: A 25 character limit which can only be used once across all categories. Once approved for use, this field is locked and cannot be edited.
Key Starting #: Must be a whole number with the minimum starting number as ‘1’.
State: Allows you to create a Document Category in the Draft or Approved state.
- ‘Active’ state - Must be selected if you ARE migrating documents into this category during the Implementation.
- ’Draft’ state - Can be selected if you ARE NOT migrating any documents into this category during the Implementation. Allows for the Name, Description, Key, and Starting Number, to be edited after migration. Must be approved for use in the application before any documents can be created in this category.
The following settings can be updated while the Document Category is in the Active State.
Document Security: Sets the Default Document Security setting for any newly created docs in this category. Can be updated while
Archive Rules: Sets the amount of time required before a user with the appropriate permission can permanently delete a document from the Document Archive.
Document Review Interval: Sets the Default Review Interval for newly created documents in this category.
Automatically create training records for Authors/Workflow Participants: Determines whether documents approved organically in the application automatically create training records for Authors/Workflow Participants. Does NOT create training records for migrated documents
User Retraining Interval: Sets the Default Retraining interval for newly created documents in this category.
Training Grace Period: Sets the number of days a user has to train on a document in this category before it is considered past due.
CAT - Workflow Step
After the document categories are configured, the next step is to create the category workflows. Workflows are used when a document in ZenQMS is either added, revised, and/ or retired. These workflows can vary depending on the document category. You will assign the Roles that you created in Phase #1 as workflow participants to complete the workflows; you can assign Roles and/or individual users to sign off on a workflow step. Please follow along with the video below to fill out this tab.
Category: Selects the Document Category where the Workflow Steps are going to be created in.
Workflow Type: Selects the Major Revision, Periodic Review, Minor Revision, or Retirement Workflow being edited.
Step Name: A free text field allowing you to note what each signature step is called. Authors are a mandatory default signature step in ZenQMS, you do NOT need to create a step for Author signatures.
Order: Defines whether users would sign sequentially or concurrently. If there is only a single step for each order number, the signatures will happen sequentially. Multiple steps with Order #1 will be notified at the same time and signatures can be captured simultaneously.
Step Type: Defines whether a user needs to submit their E-Signature or simply view the document to consider the workflow step complete.
Signature Reason: A free text field allowing you to define why each workflow step is being completed.
Allowed Users: Defines the user email addresses which can be assigned to each workflow step. Multiple email addresses for each signature step must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between the emails. This section can be updated while the Document Category is in the Active State.
Allowed Roles: Defines the roles which can be assigned to each workflow step. Multiple roles for each signature step must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between roles. This section can be updated while the Document Category is in the Active State.
Can Delegate: Defines the ability to delegate this Workflow Step to another ZenQMS user listed in the Allowed Users/Allowed Roles columns.
Requires Comment: Defines whether a mandatory comment must be logged with the specified Workflow Step.
Always Last: Defines whether this Workflow Step is the final step completed in the Workflow process, regardless of the defined Step Order. If Yes, this workflow step will begin only after any ad-hoc workflow steps have been completed.
CAT - Permissions
After creating the document categories and the category workflows for document journeys, you will now assign category permissions to the document categories. You can assign either Roles and/or individuals to different permissions within each document category. These Permissions define what actions the listed Individuals/Roles can perform. These permissions can be updated while the Document Category is in the Active State.
Category: Selects the Document Category where the Permissions are going to be assigned.
Permission: Defines which permission via the dropdown is being selected.
Allowed Users: Defines the user email addresses which can be assigned to each Document Category Permission. Multiple email addresses for each signature step must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between the emails.
Allowed Role: Defines the roles which can be assigned to each workflow step. Multiple roles for each signature step must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between roles.
CAT - PDF Export Options
After defining the Document Category Permissions, you will be updating the PDF Export Options for documents in each category. This tab allows you to control how each document category will convert your native files to .PDF files. These Settings can be updated while the Document Category is in the Active State.
ZenQMS Data Page
Category: Selects the Document Category where the Permissions are going to be assigned
Shrink Document to Accommodate Header: Adjusts the converted PDF to fit the ZenQMS inserted Header without requiring changes to your native file.
Include ZenQMS Data Page: Inserts the ZenQMS Data Page in the converted PDF. Setting to ‘YES’ will require the following settings to be adjusted. Setting to ‘NO’ the following settings can be left blank.
Make First Page: Inserts the ZenQMS Data Page ahead of your native file in the PDF conversion.
Version Comments History: Inserts all captured version comments from the document’s lifecycle on the Data Page.
Electronic Signatures: Inserts all required Signature Workflow Steps on the Data Page.
Current Authors: Inserts a list of current authors and their titles on the Data Page.
General Settings: Inserts the Document Settings such as Name, Category, Document Security, etc. on the Data Page.
All Custom Fields: Inserts a list of all Custom Fields applied to this document and their corresponding values if any.
Links/Attachments Summary Table: Includes a list of any corresponding Links or Attachments to the selected Document.
ZenQMS Header
Header Example:
Abbreviated Header Example:
Page Header: Inserted on the PDF conversion of the native file
Include Document Name, ID, Version, State and Custom Fields in header: Inserts the listed items in the top most row of the header.
Logo: Inserts your already uploaded Company Logo in the upper left corner of the header.
Doc or Key ID Display Settings: Inserts the ZenQMS Generated Doc ID# or the Document Category Key ID# in the header.
Custom Fields: Inserts the custom fields and values in the row of the header below the Document Title. Multiple custom fields must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between custom fields.
User Time Stamp: Inserts the user email address and date and time of the PDF conversion in UTC Time format.
Page Numbers: Inserts the page number of the ZenQMS Generated PDF in the bottom right corner of the header. The total number of pages will take into account the Data Page if you choose to include this.
Abbreviated Header after First Page: Inserts an abbreviated Header on the ZenQMS Generated PDF.
Include User Time Stamp in Abbreviated Header: Inserts user email address and date and time of the PDF conversion in UTC Time Format on the abbreviated header pages.
Include Page Numbers (X of Y) in Abbreviated Header: Inserts the page number of the ZenQMS Generated PDF in the abbreviated header. The Total number of pages will take into account the Data Page if you choose to include this.
PDF Watermark
Add Watermarks: Inserts Red Watermark on the ZenQMS Generated PDF.
Add User Time Stamp as Watermark: Inserts user email address and date and time of the PDF conversion in UTC Time Format as a Watermark.
Watermark Placement: Inserts the watermark on thCentered, Left Edge, Top Edge, Bottom Edge, or Diagonally on the ZenQMS Generated PDF.
Watermark Text for Effective State: A free text field that defines what information is displayed as a Watermark on Effective State ZenQMS generated PDFs.
Watermark Text for Not Effective (Draft, Approved, Awaiting Approval, Draft Review, Reviewed, Rejected) State: A free text field that defines what information is displayed as a Watermark on Not Effective State ZenQMS generated PDFs.
Watermark Text for Retired State: A free text field that defines what information is displayed as a Watermark on Retired State ZenQMS generated PDFs.
CAT - Account Custom Fields
Document Custom Fields can now be applied to specific Document Categories and appear in a specified order. This section allows you to add custom fields that will be linked to all documents in the specified category. These fields will be visible in the document view screen and exported PDFs (in header or content sections). The data fields can also be used in full table filters/sorts. Please note account custom fields must be created first and added to the Account CF Settings tab of the Migration Template. The individual Account Custom Fields and their values cannot be edited directly in each document category. You will need to navigate to Settings -> Custom Fields to update these values.
Category: Selects the Document Category where the Workflow Steps are going to be created in.
Name/Label: Selects the Account Custom Field to apply to the specific Document Category.
*This sheet will be completed as a second step after you have completed and created Document Categories tabs first.
Send your most up to date version of the Migration Template to your Implementation Specialist. They will update the system with your current data to populate information for this sheet.
This is the final tab that needs fill out in Phase #2. You will add all documents that are being migrated into ZenQMS and all settings for these documents in this tab. You will fill in information, such as: the document name, version #, the category it will go in, the state of the document (approved/effective, retired, and/or draft), authors, header settings, security settings, effective dates, descriptions, training intervals, version comments, file name, and custom field values (if applicable).
Category: Selects the Document Category where the documents are going to be assigned
Document Name: Defines the ZenQMS Document Name across all versions.
File Name: The native file being uploaded to the ZenQMS document created
Version #: The version number being applied to the ZenQMS document and native file being uploaded. Must include at minimum one decimal place. Example: Major Version 3.0, Minor Version 4.1
State: Defines whether the document is being created as Draft, Approved/Effective, or Retired.
Authors: Defines the user email addresses which can be assigned as the Author of the document. Multiple email addresses for each document must be separated by a semi-colon without spaces between the emails.
Is Training: Toggles the visibility of the Training Icon on the right side navigation bar.
Target Approval Due Date: The expected Approval Due Date for the document lifecycle. Can be changed until the document reaches the approved/effective state. (Mandatory field for all Draft State Documents).
Approval Date: The Date the document completes the Approval Workflow.
Effective Date: The Date the document enters the Effective State.
Retirement Date: The Date the document completes the Retirement Workflow. (Only required if document state is Retired).
Next Review Date: The Date of the next required Periodic Review. (Only required if different from the default Review Interval)
Description: Brief Description of the Document created in ZenQMS, version specific.
Version Comments: Specific comments noted during the document revision process, version specific.
PDF Header with Document Data: Defines whether the ZenQMS Generated Header is included on the PDF Conversion.
Document Security: Defines whether the document is restricted to view only, print to pdf, or being issued a controlled copy.
Document Review Interval: The length of time between required periodic reviews.
Auto-Create Training Records for Author and Workflow Participants: Determines whether documents approved organically in the application automatically create training records for Authors/Workflow Participants. Does NOT create training records for migrated documents
User Retraining Interval: The length of time between required user retraining.
Approval Reason: The signature reason for the approval workflow.
Documents - Custom Field Values
If/When Custom Fields have been applied to your Document Categories, you will be able to assign the specific value to the document. Only populate the cells in the column corresponding with the document in the correct document category.
Category: Selects the Document Category where the documents are going to be assigned
Document Name: Defines the ZenQMS Document Name across all versions.
Work Instructions Document Category - Department and Legacy ID Custom Fields: Only populate cells in these columns if the document name aligns with the corresponding Document Category. Follow this approach for all Document Categories, and all corresponding Category Specific Custom Field Values.
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