
In this tab, you will list all users who will be using ZenQMS.


Email: This is the user’s email address that they will use to log into ZenQMS. This is a required field.

First Name: This is the user’s first name. This is a required field.

Last Name: This is the user’s last name. This is a required field.

Title: This is the user’s job title. This is a required field.

Supervisor Email ID: This is the email address of the user’s supervisor. Not all users will have supervisors. A user cannot be their own supervisor. The supervisor must be another user on the “Users” tab. This is optional.

Custom 1: In this column, you will update the header to be “Custom 1: Custom Field Name” and fill out the values for the specific users. This is optional. Custom Fields will be created on the “Account CF Settings” tab.

Custom 2: In this column, you will update the header to be “Custom 1: Custom Field Name” and fill out the values for the specific users. This is optional. Custom Fields will be created on the “Account CF Settings” tab.

Custom 3: In this column, you will update the header to be “Custom 3: Custom Field Name” and fill out the values for the specific users. This is optional. Custom Fields will be created on the “Account CF Settings” tab.

Please note: if you have more than three custom fields for your users, you can add additional columns labeled “Custom 4: Custom Field Name”, “Custom 5: Custom Field Name”, etc.



Roles - Account Permissions

On this tab, you will establish the roles you will use to grant access, permissions, and training to your users. Any roles that should have access to account level permissions, like viewing your document or issue categories or accessing users or the account audit trail can be granted these permissions here. We recommend keeping permissions simple - they’re easy to grant within the system.


Role Name: the name of the role you are creating

Description: the description of what this role can do and who should be in it

Permissions: any account level permission you would like to grant access to this role. Not all roles will need permissions, in fact, this will likely be left to your admin-type roles. If a role receives more than one permission, you will need to put a separate line item for each permission, similar to what is depicted in the screenshot above.



On this tab, you will grant roles permissions to the Settings: Administration, Audits, and Training modules. 


Role Name: this is the name of the role you would like to grant permissions. This role must be on the “Roles - Account Permissions” tab.

Permission: you will select the permission you would like to grant from the dropdown. Each permission will get its own line item, similar to what is depicted in the screenshot above.

Article: Phase 1: Legacy Permission Chart Overview

User-Roles Assignments

On this tab, you will assign your users to the roles you have created. Users can be assigned to multiple roles.



Role Name: this is the name of the role you are assigning to a user

User Email ID: this is the email of the user you are assigning to the role. This email address must be on the “Users” tab.


Account CF Settings

On this tab, you will create your custom fields that can be used in the Users Table, Documents, Change Control, and Issues. These are optional to implement.


Name/Label: the name of the custom field

Abbreviation: an abbreviation of the custom field’s name. There is a 60 character limit.

Description: a description of the custom field and what it will be used for

Type: a custom field type is a format that defines how values stored in a field are interpreted. Custom field types can be used to define specialized information about records, such as information that you want to track but for which no field exists.

Required: you will select “Yes” if the field is required to be filled out or “No” if the field is not required. 


Account Custom Field Choices

If any of your custom fields are single selection or multiple selection, you will need to add choice options for each field. 


Name/Label: the name of the Single Selection or Multiple Selection custom field you are adding choices for. This custom field must be on the “Account CF Settings” tab.

List Value: the choice you are adding in. Each choice will get its own line item as depicted in the screenshot above.


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