Please use this article for assistance when filling out the Permissions Tab in Phase #1 on the migration template. The permissions listed below are the same permissions listed on the migration template. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your Project Manager.
Account Permissions
Account Active Modules: Users can access the section of the application where you can turn the modules on/off in the account.
Account API Settings: Users can access the section of the application where you API configurations are set up.
Account Audit Trail: Users can access the account audit trail and view all information for the whole environment.
Account Custom Fields: Users can access the custom fields section of the account. They can add, edit, and remove custom fields as well.
Account Notification Defaults: Users can access the section of the account that controls all users' notification settings.
Account Roles/Permissions: Users can access the roles/permissions section of the account.
Account Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can access the section of the account where SSO is managed.
Configuration: Change Control Categories: Users can access the section of the account where all change control categories are listed. They will not be able to edit or open the categories, or create new ones. Users will need separate permissions at the change control category level to do these actions.
Configuration: Document Categories: Users can access the section of the account where all document categories are listed. They will not be able to edit or open the categories, or create new ones. Users will need separate permissions at the document category level to do these actions.
Configuration: Issue Categories: Users can access the section of the account where all issue categories are listed. They will not be able to edit or open the categories, or create new ones. Users will need separate permissions at the issue category level to do these actions.
Configuration: Task Types: Users can access the section of the account where task types are configured. They can add, edit, or delete task types here.
Import/Export Configurations: Users can access the import/export tool in the account.
Legacy Permissions
General | User Is Able To Edit Personal Information: Users can edit their own personal information under Settings – Personal Information.
General | Can Access Vendor List: Users can access Audits: Vendor list.
Audit Reports | Can Close Out Any Audit Report: Users can close out any existing audit report at any time.
Audit Reports | Can Edit any Audit or Observation That User Has Access To: Users can edit existing audits and observations.
Audit Reports | Can Add New Supplier Sites: Users can add/edit new suppliers for sites within the account.
Audit Reports | Can Create New Audit Reports: Users can create audit reports.
Audit Reports | Can See all Audits or Observations: Users have visibility to all audits and observations.
Audit Reports | Can Edit Settings for All Recurring Audits in Qsheet "Future Audits" Section: Users can edit the audit schedule and settings for future audits.
Administrative Section | Member Administration/Configuration: Users can update/edit account configurations, such as audits and tests custom fields and audits workflow templates.
Administrative Section | Super Admin: Has full Edit/Admin access to any Course, Event, Test or Audit: Users have full access to the application and all functionalities. This is the highest-level permission of the application and should be reserved for all super users.
Administrative Section | Site Administration/Management: Users can update/edit site Q-ID information and can add new sites.
Qsheet | Qsheet: Has Read/Write Access to Documents section: Users can see/edit documents that are in the shared document folder in the QSheet.
Qsheet | Qsheet: Can Access Forum & Documents: Users have access to all the tabs in the QSheet.
Qsheet | QSheet: Can Edit Qsheet/Snapshot Private Data Fields: Users can edit/update QSheet fields
Training | Can Create/Manage New Training Courses: Users can add new training courses and can manage new training courses they have created.
Training | Can Add New Training Events: Users can add new training events.
Training | Can See Training Records for Whole Company: Users have full visibility to all employee training records.
Training | Can Add New Tests: Users can add new training tests.
Training | Can See & Edit All Tests: Users have full visibility and editor rights to all tests.
Training | Can See All Events: Users have full visibility to all training events.
Training | Can Set a Training Item as Compliant / Non-Compliant For Any User: Users can change the compliance status of an assigned user to compliant or non-compliant.
Training | Can Create Personal Events for Other Users: Users can create a personal event for another user.
Training | Can Edit any Events That User Has Access To: Users can edit an event after it has been made effective if they have access to it.
Training | Can Add New OJT Events: Users can add OJT events.
Training | Can Create, View, and be assigned as Owners on SCORM: Users can create, manage, & assign SCORM training items for other users.
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