Note: The following examples are for using Content Controls/Form Fields/ActiveX Controls to preserve the form functionality in exported PDF’s converted from doc/docx files.


Please download the attached word documents to see the examples:                                               

  1. Supported editable forms in pdf converted from docx file guide.docx
  2. Supported editable forms in pdf converted from doc file guide.doc



Viewing & Debugging Content Controls/Form Fields/ActiveX Controls in DOC/DOCX Files


Content Controls

Note: Office for Mac does not have a Design Mode - that's a PC-only modality used for working with Content Controls which are not supported in the Mac version. 


In order to view the Content Controls in Microsoft Word for a .docx file you have to turn on the Design Mode in the Developer tab:


The Content Control blocks will be displayed in the document:



Note: The editable blocks show up without the arrows in the content control, the ones with arrow that contain paragraphs/rich text will be rendered as static in the current version of Aspose Words (21.9). For reference, Plain.text will be editable. Rich.text will not be editable in PDF.


Form Fields

In order to view the form field block in Microsoft word for a .doc/.docx file follow the steps below:


1. Open the document and press Ctrl+A to select all

2. Press Alt+F9 to toggle Field codes



In order to hide the form field block:

1. Press Ctrl+A to select all

2. Press Alt+F9 to hide Field codes


In order to convert the form fields to plain text:

1. Press Ctrl+A to select all while the form fields are visible

2. Press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to convert all text fields into text



Note: The editable text fields (content control or form fields) are limited to only 1 line and the width/height/font style-size cannot be controlled in the resulting PDF. None of the ActiveX controls preserve form functionality in the exported PDF, but will be rendered as static content.
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