Note: Users will need to be assigned to the "Administration: Account Super User" role or have the permission "Can Create New Documents" at the specific document category level.


Creating a New Document

Click the green plus button at the top of the screen. Select document:


A new screen will open to add the document information. Add the document name, category assignment, target approval date, and mark if this is a training item. Click create when finished:


Note: If the item is not marked as a training item, you will not have the option to add users to train on it and the training icon in the document management window will be missing.


Uploading a File and Filling in the Metadata

After a new document is created, you will be directed to the document view screen. This screen is divided into three sections:


  1. Document Viewer: A PDF rendering of your file will display here.
  2. Document Metadata: Document settings and configurations are listed here.
  3. Document Panel: A panel of functions that can be executed on the document. 


Document Viewer

view window.png

  1. PDF File Viewer: The file will display here.
  2. Panel: Can be used as a table of contents.
  3. PDF View Controls: Page transitions, layouts, and orientation of the viewer is adjusted here.
  4. Zoom Options: Zooms the PDF viewer in and out.
  5. Toggle: Can be toggled to full screen.
  6. Search: Search the metadata within the file.
  7. Settings: Can change the view between light mode and dark mode.


Document Metadata

The document metadata section lists the settings for the document. These settings are configured at the document category level, but can be changed at the individual document level:


The settings in this section are as follows:

doc details.png

  1. Upload File Revision: Here is where the file is uploaded.
  2. Collaborative Editing: Here is how a collaborative editing session can be started for this file.
  3. Authors: Authors are listed here. Additional authors can be added from the dropdown.
  4. Name: Document name; must be unique.
  5. Category: The category that the document is assigned to is listed here. Once the category is selected it can not be changed, even if the document is in a draft state. 
  6. PDF Header with Document Data: Choose to have a header on the document or not here.
  7. Document Security: There are four settings to choose from: Users Can Download Original File, Users Can Only View Document, Users Can Download a Unrestricted PDF, & Authorized Users Can Issue Controlled Copies.
  8. Effective Date: There are three options to choose from: Based on Target Date, Based on Days From Approval, & Based on Training %. 
  9. Target Approval Due Date: This is the date that is targeted for the document to be in an approved state.
  10. Description: Description of the document.
  11. Version Comments: Version comments are added here.
  12. Document Review Interval: This interval is the timeframe that the document will come up for review.
  13. Training Required: If this is a training document, toggle the button on. If this is not a training document, leave the toggle off.
  14. Custom Fields: All custom fields made at the category level will be displayed here. 
  15. Links: Documents can be linked to other internal items. 


Document Panel

The document panel lists action items that can be done at the document level:


Download: Users can download various levels of the file based on permissions.

Workflows/ E-Signature History: Workflow and Signature history is captured here.

Training: Trainees and training challenge questions are added to on the item here.

Version History: Draft and published version history is captured here. 

Review and Suggested Edits: Suggested edits and periodic reviews are captured here. 

Controlled Copies: Authorized users can issue controlled copies here.

Chat Log: Document chat log. 


Note: If the document is not marked as a training item, the training cap icon will not be listed in the panel. To change this item to a training document, the document must be up-versioned.


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