Note: Users will need the permission "Member Administration/Configuration" to add or edit audit categories.
Audit categories are useful in classifying recurring, or one-time audits. Audit categories also dictate audit workflows for publishing final audit reports.
Creating an Audit Category
From the Main Dashboard, select the Settings icon and click Administration:
Under Member Account/General Preferences, scroll down to the audit category section and select Add Category:
Add a name for the audit category and a value for the interval , in months. Click Save when finished:
The newly created audit category will be listed in the audit category list:
Editing an Audit Category
Navigate to your audit category list. If you would like to disable the audit category, click the word yes under the active column. This will change to no and the category will be disabled:
To edit the name of the category or the interval months, click on the name of the audit category:
After changes have been made for either the category name and/or interval months, click Save. All changes will be immediately updated:
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