Patch 2017.2 Patch 1 is meant to address the bugs and improvements listed below. The changes do not impact data integrity or security, and have no material impact on User or Functional Requirements. Given this, and the nature of the bugs are causing daily problems for clients, we will not be providing our customary notice period per the QTA for this patch. This release is being managed through change control 14807 and will be deployed Friday 9-Feb-2018 during the day as we anticipate no downtime for this patch deployment.
ZENQ-2895 | Too many keep alive calls to server when switching between the new nav tabs |
ZENQ-2894 | Too many Redis unreleased connections slowing the app |
NOVA-43 | Tabs with special characters on their names aren't loading properly on the New Navigation |
ZENQ-2889 | Migration: Category settings should fail if custom field selected for header is inactive |
ZENQ-2888 | Migration: Category Workflows throws callback first time a row with errors is encountered |
ZENQ-2887 | Migration: Import Custom Fields List Values does NOT work as expected |
ZENQ-2886 | Migration: Create Custom Fields crashes when first error is encountered |
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