Note: We have combined the Daily Digest and the Daily Summary. The Daily Summary can be customized under your Settings area. You will be able to choose the time of day (top of the hour) that you receive this notification. You will NO LONGER have the choice to “never” receive this notification. 


Daily Summary Notification Setting

To update your Daily Summary notification settings, navigate to Settings - Notifications. You can select the time that you will receive your Daily Summary:



A user will receive a Daily Summary if they have ANY of the following:


If they have a "Signatures needed" (All modules)


If they have any "Items past due" (Document Reviews)


If user has any training items “Past Due” (Red piece of the pie chart)


If user has any training items “Coming Due” in 30 days or less (At Risk, Yellow piece of the pie chart)


If user is organizer for any OJT Event with assignments “coming due” in 30 days or less


If user is organizer for any OJT Event with assignments “past due”


Any Change Controls where a user is the Project or Stage assignee and the project or stage is due within 7 days or the project or stage is Past Due


Any Issues user is the Project or Stage assignee and the project or stage is due within 7 days or the project or stage is Past Due


Any Task that a user is assigned to that is coming due within 7 days or is Past Due


If a user has been added to the permission of “Receives Escalation Notices For Past Due Stages/Task” under an Issue or Change Control category, they will receive a Daily Summary for any item that is Past Due under those categories.


Important Notes:                                                                                                                                                   

1. We have changed the logic around timing of receiving “coming due” or "at risk" notifications in regards to training. Previously, you would receive a notification if an incomplete assignment was coming due in 7 days, we have changed this to 30 days.                                                             

2. Previously, there was logic in place that if you logged in to the application in the last 24hrs, you would not receive a Daily Digest. This will no longer be the case. You will receive a Daily Summary if you meet any of the above listed criteria no matter if you have logged in or not.                                                                                                                                                                               

3. You have the ability to choose the time in which you receive the Daily Summary. The Daily Summary will be sent within that hour that you choose.




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