Patch 2017.1 Patch 2 is meant to address the bugs listed below, which were identified post deployment of 2017.1 Patch 1. The items do not have an impact on data integrity or security, and have no material impact on User or Functional Requirements.  However the issues identified, particularly the PDF generation issue, could have a significant impact on PDF quality, so we deemed this patch critical and necessary.  

This release is being managed through change control 10539 and will be deployed Monday evening (7-AUG-2017) at 9pm EST.

We recommend any clients who include image heavy documents to log into to review PDF export functionality particularly for documents with heavy graphics/pictures inserted.


ZENQ-2680 Document: PDF Watermark issues when PDF contains images
ZENQ-2677 Custom Fields: inactive custom fields generate a callback when trying to save an Issue
ZENQ-2671 Custom Fields: display order is not in the same sequence as defined in Configuration
ZENQ-2670 Documents: Extra blank page is added in detailed version of PDF

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