Note: In order to have access to the Account Audit Trail, Users will need to have the Role permission: "Account Audit Trail".


When a user is given permission to access the Account Audit Trail, the option will be listed on the left hand column under Settings:

audit trail.png

The Audit Trail includes the following columns:

audit trail.png

Module - Module that the action was taken place in

Time Stamp - Date and time the action was taken

User ID - User's email address

User Name - Name of the User

Item ID - System generated Item ID

Event - Brief description of the action that was performed by that user, this column is text searchable

Risk - Action will be tagged as being a Risk if the action was a super editor transaction or admin changes, the table can be sorted by Risk status

Comment - Comments


Note: Account activity may take up to 30 minutes to appear in the audit trail.


Each column has a search tool in the row under the column header, so the table can be sorted by any of the columns. The Table can be exported in an excel or a csv, which will show further details for each transaction:

audit trail.png

Events that will be logged in the Account Audit Trail:

  • When a user logs into the application
  • Failed login attempts
  • If a user updates personal information
  • If a user updates their password
  • If user notification settings are updated
  • If chat log text is added, edited, and/or deleted
  • If an attachment is created, updated, removed, restored, duplicated (will include the attachment file name)
  • If an Issue or Change Control Category version is created, activated, retired, removed (will include the category name)
  • If an item is created, updated, due date is extended (the new date will be included)
  • If a item User is added or removed (will include User Name that was removed)
  • If an item task is added or removed (will include the Task Key)
  • If an item workflow is launched or cancelled 
  • If an item is removed or restored (will include Item ID)
  • If stage data is completed or launched (will include stage name)
  • If stage data workflow is launched or cancelled (will include stage name)
  • If stage data workflow date change is launched (stage name and due date workflow launched will be included)
  • If a stage due date is extended (will include stage name and due date was changed to)
  • If a stage is created or updated
  • If a stage step is added, updated, removed (will include stage name)
  • If a task is created, removed, or completed
  • If a task workflow is launched
  • If a task completion workflow is launched
  • If a task due date is extended (will include the new due date)
  • If a task workflow date change is cancelled
  • If a workflow is executed or rejected


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