Type your company name in the Qsheet search box. Select your Company/Site, you will then be taken into the Qsheet for the site selected:
Click on the 'Create New Report' link on the left hand side.
Click on the blue 'compose a new audit'. An 'audit date' window will appear and you will be required to enter a date. Once you enter a date, a new audit detail page will open.
You will need to fill in the asterisk* fields at a minimum. Choose an audit category from the dropdown list. Next, choose an audit type from the dropdown list. You will also need to add an authorized user as a Lead Auditor. You can do this by clicking on the 'Add New' link under the Auditor section. This is where you can add and change auditors.
Under the 'Audit Report' tab is where you would enter the Audit report. You may also upload a finished audit report instead. Make sure to click Save/Exit after any revisions you make.
When finished filling in the information, click 'Save/Exit' and click on Audit Report at the top. The next step would be creating an Observation.
After the observation is completed, he next step would be to launch the workflow. When you click on the workflow tab, it will require you to 'Select a workflow action for this report'. You will then be asked to choose an authorized user to be the approver of the Final Report. Once you have launched the workflow, the page that appears will let you know that the workflow is active.
After the Final Report has been approved, you can go to the Audits: Full Table and click on the state 'Published Final Report', to move the audit forward. A modal box will appear and you can click on the hyperlink to 'Send to Auditee' to launch that workflow.
This Audit can then be closed out by going to the full table and clicking on the State which will be 'Pending Auditee Response'. The 'Audit Close Out' window will appear where you can select additional people to receive a message letting them know that the Audit has been closed. You can also attach a PDF. There is also a dropdown of actions you can select. You can then close the audit by clicking on "Close This Audit".
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