Lesson #3 goes into the documents module in more depth.


Once lesson three is complete, you will be able to edit documents, launch a document for approval, upversion/retire a document, issue controlled copies, and assign users to train on a document.



This lesson will focus on:


Document Up-Versioning & Retiring

Draft Review
Collaborative Editing
Launching a Document for Approval
Assigning Training on a Document
Controlled Copies




Document Journeys





Versioning: Minor & Major Revisions

Minor revisions are used when the changes made to the document are minimal and typically do not alter the document’s intent or content significantly. You would up version a document to a new minor version (e.g., from 1.0 to 1.1) when you make minor changes that do not fundamentally alter the document's purpose or implications. This is often done to reflect corrections, updates, or minor enhancements.


To complete a minor revision on a document, click the review/retire button:


In the document window, make the appropriate mark ups, add the supporting comments, and then click Item Must be Updated - Minor Revision:


A new draft will be created and the minor revision numbering will be reflected at the top of the document management window:


Fill in the document metadata that needs to change and add a new file if needed. Once the document details are filled in, click Launch Approval Workflow. Since this a minor revision, the document will go through the minor revision approval workflow that is configured at the document category level:


After the approval workflow signatures are completed, the new revision will be approved/effective and housed on the documents full table. It will have the minor revision version number:


Major revisions are applied when substantial changes are made to the document that affect its intent, content, or scope significantly. A major version change (e.g., from 1.0 to 2.0) is appropriate when there are significant changes that impact the document’s core content, purpose, or compliance requirements. 


To complete a major revision on a document, click the review/retire button:


In the document window, make the appropriate mark ups, add the supporting comments, and then click Item Must be Updated - Major Revision:


A new draft will be created and the major revision numbering will be reflected at the top of the document management window:


Fill in the document metadata that needs to change and add a new file if needed. Once the document details are filled in, click Launch Approval Workflow. Since this a major revision, the document will go through the major revision approval workflow that is configured at the document category level:


After the approval workflow signatures are completed, the new revision will be approved/effective and housed on the documents full table. It will have the major revision version number:



Retiring a Document

Documents become obsolete due to updates in regulations, processes, or technology, or if it has been superseded by a newer version. Retirement is also necessary when the document is no longer needed for regulatory compliance or has reached the end of its lifecycle as per organizational policies. Once a document is retired, it is moved to the documents archive table. 


To retire a document click Review/Retire in the document management window: 


You must add a comment to the document first, then click Item is Obsolete:


After the document goes through the retirement workflow that is configured at the document category level, the item will be in the retired status:


All retired documents can be accessed on the documents archive table. To access this table, go to the documents module and select Documents: Archive Table from the dropdown:




Draft Reviews

Draft reviews are systematic evaluations of a document, typically conducted to gather feedback, ensure accuracy, improve clarity, and verify compliance with guidelines or standards. Authors can initiate a draft review on any of their draft documents.


Authorized users can initiate a draft review, by selecting launch draft review at the document level:


Any active user can be selected to be a draft reviewer of the item. Select as many users as you wish to complete the draft review from the dropdown:



Collaborative Editing

Microsoft for the Web is a collaborative editing tool that allows the ability for users to edit a document as a group inside of ZenQMS. This collaborative editing tool will allow all edits to a document to occur in the application in a controlled manner. 


Authors, Document Category Editors and Administration: Account Super Users will be able to initiate document editing sessions on draft, draft reviewed and/or reviewed documents by clicking the collaborative editing symbol: 

c.jpgOnce the collaborate icon is selected, a pop up will appear. The file name that will be opened for editing in the editing session will be displayed, as well as, the button to enter the session. Click the grey button to start the editing session:




Launching a Document for Approval

After the file has been added and the metadata has been filled in, the document is ready for the approval workflow. From the document viewer, click Launch Approval Workflow:


An approval slider box will appear on the right hand side:


  1. Document Author: The author of the document is always the first required signature.
  2. Approval Step: These approval steps are configured at the category level.
  3. Add Another Step: Users can add additional, one time, approval step(s), if needed.
  4. Launch Approval Workflows: Start the approval workflow.

Users that are selected for an approval signature will see the signature needed on their main dashboard. Based on the individual's notification settings, they can receive an email stating a signature is required. 


Once all of the signatures for approval are completed, the document will be in an approved status or an effective status, which is based on the target effective date. 



Assigning Training on a Document

At the document level, click on the training cap icon:


A slider box will appear on the right. There will be two options listed, training challenge questions and manage assigned trainees:



Training Challenge Questions

Training challenge questions are a great way to assess effectiveness of your training content and to reiterate key points or document key affirmations to satisfy a legal or compliance requirement. For training challenge question information, please click here.



Manage Assigned Trainees

To add users to train on the document, or to manage the trainees results, click the manage assigned trainees tab:


On the manage trainees slider, you can see all information pertaining to training on this item:


  1. User/Role Assignments: Add users and/or roles from this dropdown that need to be assigned to train on the item.
  2. At Risk/Past Due Training Compliance: Click here to see all users with a training compliance of at-risk or past due for the item.
  3. Group Actions: When selecting more than one assignee, the group actions choices are to make selected users compliant, force selected users to retrain, or remove selected users. 
  4. Export: Training information can be exported here.
  5. Add/Remove Columns: Add or remove columns to the trainee full table. 


Controlled Copies




Controlled copies manage and track the distribution and use of documents. They help with version control, monitor distribution to relevant users, and restrict access to maintain document integrity. Additionally, they provide an audit trail to demonstrate adherence to document control procedures.


To allow users to produce controlled copies, the document security needs to be set as Authorized Users Can Issue Controlled Copies at the document category level:


This security setting needs to be set at the individual document level as well:



Issuing Controlled Copies

At the document level, click the controlled copies icon. As a reminder, the document security setting needs to allow for users to issue controlled copies:


Click on Issue New Controlled Copy:


Fill in the 3 required fields and click Download Controlled Copy:



The file will be available for download in the My Downloads section for 14 days:


All controlled copies that have been issued can be viewed at the document level by clicking the controlled copies icon:


In the table, you can see controlled copies that were issued, destruct controlled copies, and/or issue a new controlled copy:



Destroying Controlled Copies

To destroy a controlled copy, click the checkbox next to the item and click Certify Destruction:


You will need to sign off on this action. Click Submit Signature when finished:


Once the signature is successfully submitted, the item will have the status of destructed and it will state by whom:






























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