Lesson #2 will introduce you to the documents module


Once lesson two is complete, you will be able to create a document category, create a new document, and have a good grasp on the documents full table, archive table, and documents dashboard.



This lesson will focus on:


The Documents Dashboard
The Documents Full Table
The Documents Archive Table
Creating a Document Category
Creating a Draft Document
Uploading a Document File and Filling in the Metadata
Document Viewer/Management Window

Suggest Edits



The Documents Dashboard, Full Table, & Archive Table





The Documents Dashboard

The Documents Dashboard gives you an instant and detailed view via the pipeline barchart into the state of all documents you are the owner of. The dashboard also lists all of your documents that are due for periodic review and also lists documents that have overdue or coming due target approval dates. The Pipeline bar chart shows what items are past their review date (red bar) or have a review coming due between now and the end of the next month (yellow bars) or due in the 9 months after that.


Clicking on any of the bars will make the screen drill down to get more information. You can click as many bars as you wish at once:



The Documents Full Table

The documents full table lists all documents, minus archived documents, that are in the account. This includes effective, approved, draft, waiting approval, and reviewed documents.

docs full table.png

1. Search: Searches all metadata within a document.

2. Table Views: Views that can be saved for easier navigation.

3. Settings: Saved table views can be shared here.

4. Export: Export table views.

5. Advanced Filter: Advanced filtering for document searches.

6. Add/Remove Columns: Add or remove columns from the table.



The Documents Archive Table

The document archive table is a critical component used to manage and organize archived documents systematically. This table functions as a centralized repository that tracks essential documents throughout their lifecycle, from creation to retirement. It ensures that all retired documents are stored in an orderly manner, making them easily retrievable and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.


To access the archive table, select Documents: Archive Table from the dropdown on the documents dashboard:


On the documents archive table, you will see all the items that have been retired:


On this table, you can:


1. Search: Search for archived documents

2. Columns: Add or remove table columns

3. Archive Action: If permitted, retired documents can be deleted here

4. Table View: Table views can be created and accessed here



Creating a Document Category




Creating a Document Category

Document categories are created under the Settings - Configuration - Document Categories:


To create a new document category, click create:


To edit/view a current document category, click on the category name:


There are four sections to every document category configuration. The sections are: general, roles/permissions, PDF export options, and custom fields.




Draft Documents, Uploading a Document & Filling in Metadata, Document Viewer 




Creating a Draft Document

Once the document category is active, you can add documents to it. To create a draft document, click on the green plus button and select document:


A new screen will open to add the document information. Add the document name, category assignment, target approval date, and mark if this is a training item. Click create when finished:



Uploading a Document File and Filling in the Metadata

After a new document is created, you will be directed to the document view screen. This screen is divided into three sections:


  1. Document Viewer: A PDF rendering of your file will display here.
  2. Document Metadata: Document settings and configurations are listed here.
  3. Document Panel: A panel of functions that can be executed on the document. 

To upload a file to the document, click upload revision:


When the file is successfully added, it will display in the document viewer to the left:



Document Viewer/Management Window

All information regarding the document will be entered/displayed in the management/metadata window. The document metadata section lists the settings for the document. These settings are configured at the document category level, but can be changed at the individual document level:



The settings in this section are as follows:

doc details.png

  1. Upload File Revision: Here is where the file is uploaded.
  2. Collaborative Editing: Here is how a collaborative editing session can be started for this file.
  3. Authors: Authors are listed here. Additional authors can be added from the dropdown.
  4. Name: Document name; must be unique.
  5. Category: The category that the document is assigned to is listed here. Once the category is selected it can not be changed, even if the document is in a draft state. 
  6. PDF Header with Document Data: Choose to have a header on the document or not here.
  7. Document Security: There are four settings to choose from: Users Can Download Original File, Users Can Only View Document, Users Can Download a Unrestricted PDF, & Authorized Users Can Issue Controlled Copies.
  8. Effective Date: There are three options to choose from: Based on Target Date, Based on Days From Approval, & Based on Training %. 
  9. Target Approval Due Date: This is the date that is targeted for the document to be in an approved state.
  10. Description: Description of the document.
  11. Version Comments: Version comments are added here.
  12. Document Review Interval: This interval is the timeframe that the document will come up for review.
  13. Training Required: If this is a training document, toggle the button on. If this is not a training document, leave the toggle off.
  14. Custom Fields: All custom fields made at the category level will be displayed here. 
  15. Links: Documents can be linked to other internal items. 


Suggested Edits




Suggesting Edits

Users can suggest edits on documents that are in an approved and/or effective state. At the document level, the user can click the suggests edit button:


The document editor window will open where the user can make markups and/or comments. All edits/comments the user adds to the document in the PDF viewer window will display in the side panel. Once the user is done adding their edit suggestions, they can click the submit button:


Authors can see the suggested edits users submit at the document level when clicking on the review and suggested edits icon:


All suggested edit information can be found in the pop out panel; each suggested edit submitted will be its own item listed. Click view to see the suggested edits information:


The author can add replies to the suggested edits that users have made and use these suggested edits the next time the document is up-versioned:


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