Note: Document visibility and accessibility is configured at the document category level.


Documents Full Table


The documents full table lists all documents, minus archived documents, that are in the account. This includes effective, approved, draft, waiting approval, and reviewed documents.

docs full table.png

  1. Search: Searches all metadata within a document.
  2. Table Views: Views that can be saved for easier navigation.
  3. Settings: Saved table views can be shared here.
  4. Export: Export table views.
  5. Advanced Filter: Advanced filtering for document searches.
  6. Add/Remove Columns: Add or remove columns from the table.



The full table search feature allows users to search document metadata:





Table Views

Users can create saved table views after customizing their full table. All saved table views will be listed here for easy access. To switch through saved tables views, click on the saved view name. These views can be private, or can be shared with the whole company:

table view.png




Table views are created and shared here. A user can customize their full table and have views for easy access. These views can be private or can be shared with the whole company:


  1. Create New View: After the full table has been customized, the table view is saved here.
  2. Whole Company: If a user would like to share the saved table view with the whole company, they can do so here.
  3. Make View Private: This is the default setting, as all table views created are private until shared.

If a view is shared with the whole company, users can find the saved table view under the table views dropdown. If a table view is shared with the whole company, there will be a world icon next to the table view name:

public view.png



Table views can be exported into a CSV or Excel file. Once the full table is filtered, the full table can be exported by clicking the export icon:



Advanced Filter

The advanced filter for the full table is found here. Users can use the filter options to drill down a more comprehensive search:



Add/Remove Columns

Full Table columns can be added or removed here:



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