Disclaimer - Please note that record deletion is a high risk action and may raise data integrity questions and concerns by regulatory agencies and governing bodies. In fact we have seen 483s issued here, as it brings into question the closed loop nature of an issue or a CC. To avoid deletion we recommend adding a cancelation stage to the change control configuration that allows you to cancel the change control for any reason at any stage of your issue process. 


Note: Users will need the permissions "Can See All Change Controls (Read Only Access)" & "Can Delete Change Controls" at the change control category level.


Deleting a Record

Open the record and select the three dots in the upper right hand corner and select delete:


This will prompt a new window to open confirming moving forward with the deletion of the change control. Click delete:


A slider box will open requiring the user's ID, password, and a mandatory comment:


Once successfully submitted, the user will receive a green banner notifying the deletion was completed and the deletion of the issue will appear in the Audit Trail:


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