Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Issues" to perform these steps.


After you have built out your stage/transition process in your draft Issue Category, you will be able to add stage assignees and workflows signatures for each stage. 


Stage Assignees

Stage Assignees are notified when a stage is launched and responsible for completing the stage content. Each stage must have at least one assignee. Stage owners (stage assignees) are chosen from the list of authorized individuals or roles.


At the end of each configured stage of the Issue category is a Manage Stage Assignees/Signatures button:


When you click on this button, a slider box will appear. Under the Stage Assignees section, select at least one user OR Role from the dropdown. You do not need to add both a single user and a role, as there only has to be one single user or role assigned:

stage assignees.png


Stage Signatures

After defining stage owners (stage assignees), you will configure the approval signature workflows (stage signatures). These approval signatures will need to be completed to progress to the next stage.

To configure the stage signatures, click on the blue plus  (mceclip2.png) button:

plus button.png

Once clicking the plus button, you will be required to create a name for the signature step and choose what action the user or role needs to take (Needs to Sign or Needs to View). If you choose "Needs to Sign" more fields will populate:

step name.png



1. Signature Reason - you must create customized signature reason


2. Authorized User - choose users who will be authorized to complete these signatures




3. Authorized Roles - choose roles who will be authorized to complete these signatures


4. Step Options - you can choose if you want this step to be able to be delegated and/or if this step requires a comment.


5. Click Save when you have completed the signature step.



Adding Additional Approval Steps

To create another stage signature approval step (if needed) click on the blue plus button again. Repeat the outlined steps above for all stage workflow approval steps that are created for each stage in the category. 


Once you have multiple steps created, you can arrange the signing order. Multiple steps can be assigned at once, or in order of the numbering by updating the stage #s to match:

stage numbers.png

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