Note: Users will only see the Issues from the categories that they have the permission "Can See All Issues (Read Only Access)" assigned.


Navigate to the Issues Full Table by clicking selecting the full table from the Issues Module Dashboard dropdown: 

issues full table.jpeg

The full table can be customized (add/remove data columns) by clicking the green plus (+) button:

isues plus.png

If there are Account Custom Fields added to an Issue category configuration, these custom field columns can be pulled into the Full Table, using the green plus (+) button, if that Issue category is selected from the dropdown:

all categories.png

Once all of the data columns are pulled into the Full Table that you wish to have listed, you can save the table view by clicking on Save View and selecting Create New View:

create new view.png

It is required to name the new table view:

save view.png

Once the view is saved, it can be accessed by selecting the saved view name from the Table Views dropdown:



Note: You cannot delete these views once created. You can only edit them.




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