You've been invited to take part in ZenQMS Super User Training. What does that mean and what do you do?

Each user invited has been assigned to our Super User Training Course. These materials will walk you through the basic journeys of the application and help you to populate your Sandbox with examples. The training will teach how to be a Super User in ZenQMS. This includes administrative functions and adding and managing documents and trainings. You access your ZenQMS Sandbox at: 

In your ZenQMS Sandbox environment, you will find a few example Documents/Configurations. Additionally, we've included access to our Super User Training materials. This means you have been assigned training via a ZenQMS course.

To gain access to the ZenQMS Sandbox, you need to be invited. When you receive your email invite to your ZenQMS Sandbox, you will follow the instructions in the email and follow the link. Here's a brief review for how to log in for the first time: Logging in for the First Time

When you log in for the first time, you land on your Dashboard. You will see a yellow section in your pie chart indicating that there is training at risk and it needs to be completed. Your Dashboard will look similar to this:


Select/click on your yellow section in the pie chart and it will load your at risk training assignments. It will look like this:


If you needed to take the training and watch the lessons, you would select the "Eye" links in the "Training Item" column next to the lesson name. Those are in the red square above. This will load the lesson and you could then select the "Video" and "Assignment" links that would take you to the videos and training. It looks like this below:


Once you watch the videos and finish the training, you then sign off by selecting the pencil in the "Execute" column by each lesson. See the "Execute" column below. You see your training items will have a blue pencil in the "Execute" column. You select the blue pencil and a window will launch for you to enter your user name and password. This is how you sign off and complete a training.


Here's a link on: Completing a Training From the Dashboard

For your reference, I've also included the link to our Super User Training materials below on our Support page:





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