Note: Users will need the permission "Member Administration/Configuration" to add/change a logo.


Our application allows client's to upload their corporate logos. Please note that these logos will appear throughout the application for all of the client's users. 



Adding & Changing a Company Logo

Log into ZenQMS and select the Settings icon found along left-hand panel from the Main Dashboard. This will open up the Settings and Administration section:


Click on the Administration tab at the top:


Click Member Account on the left hand side:

member account.png

On the General Preferences tab, scroll down to the section titled Upload/Manage Member Logo. Click Upload:




Note: PNG, JPG, and GIF images less than 4mb are supported and can be cropped as needed. All images will be re-sized with locked proportions to maximum of 135 pixels wide and/or 40 pixels tall.



In the Upload Image window, click Select File. You may need to crop the logo in order for it to meet the notes detailed above. After you've selected the appropriate range, click Crop. Your corporate logo should now appear under the Upload/Manage Member Logo section and also appear on all pages at the top left corner:

logo 1.png

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