There are a few instances where it may be easier on both parties to directly provide the user with their username and a new password instead of sending the password reset email (main method [Link]). In this case, you would use the alternative password reset/locked out solution method.



  • In ZenDesk, you've probably already worked with the user at this point, you will only need the user's email for this ticket solution
    • Best practice is still to identify the user's company so you know their organization and can put context to the ticket


* The ticket above is a good example alternative ticket, where we have had a back and forth with the user. Note that the user is having issues getting the typical password reset to work, in this case, it is probably easier to just provide the user with login information.


  • Log into the ZenQMS app
    • Make sure that the URL starts with https://app.
    • You will be in the live app so be careful, changes will have meaningful impact

  • In the Search Bar at the bottom of the page, fill in our company's name and click on the ZenQMS HQ item in the list


  • On our site's Qsheet, in the Qsheet Custom Fields section, for the Reset Password Email: Zen-Q.1! field, fill in the user's email and click the Save button
    • Our Qsheet has added functionality to serve our needs, you will not find this function on other Qsheets
    • This action has now changed the user's password to Zen-Q.1!


  • You've completed the app environment section of this request
  • In ZenDesk, go back to the ticket request
  • While in the ticket, on the left-hand side, change the Client* drop down to the corresponding client
  • There isn't a set macro response for this ticket request, so you will have to respond to the client accordingly
    • The solution in the example below is a nice format that could be used for this ticket type
  • Click the drop down arrow on the Submit button (located at the bottom right-hand side of the page) and change the status to Solved

*This ticket was previously completed so the Submit button and Solved status are not available options

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