NOTE: Users will need the permission "Administration: Account Super User" to create Issue categories.


From the Main Dashboard, click the Settings icon:



Under Configuration, select Issues:



Click Create:

create issue cat.png


A new window will appear. You will need to fill in the following information:

issue cat.png


1. Name: Create a name for this Issue Category

2. Description: Provide a brief description on what it will be used for

3. Key: This will be the category identifier (e.g.INT-100) 

4. Key Starting #: This will be the starting ID # for this Issue category

5. Click on the Create button when finished 

Once clicking Create, the General Settings for this category will populate:


Note: You will also notice at the top, the Issue category will appear as (v.1 - Draft). Issue categories are version controlled; they will remain in the draft state until you are ready to Approve for Use.


general settings.png

1. PI/PHI Information: Select Yes or No

2. PDF Export Options For All Versions: (see: Configuring PDF Exports Options for an Issues Category)

3. Roles/Permissions for all Version: (see: Configuring & Managing Category Roles/Permissions for User Visibility & Accessibility)

4. Stages & Transitions: (see: Configuring Stages & transitions for an Issue Category)

5. Actions You Can Take: Once you have all stages and transitions completed and the Roles/Permissions assigned and configured, you will click on the Approve for Use button. Note, this is also where you will find the Delete button if you want to delete this draft.


NOTE: Once this category has been approved for use it can no longer be deleted, it would need to be Retired. Once the version becomes effective and changes need to be made, it will need to be up-versioned.
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