Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Issues" to perform these steps.


Creating a New Issue Category

From your Main Dashboard, click the Settings icon:



Under Configuration, select Issues:



Click Create to create a new Issue Category:



Fill in the General Settings. When this information is completed, click Create:

add new.png

Name: input the name of your new Issue Category


Description: provide a brief description


Key: this allows you to choose your own unique prefix for the Issue you are creating, ex: INT


Key Starting #: the number the Issue will be assigned for this category, ex: INT-14, INT-15, etc.


Click Create when finished.


General Settings 

Once the Issue Category is created, you will be directed to the General Settings Section. The settings configured here only pertain to this Issue Category:

issue general settings.png


PDF Export Options for all Versions: Here you can choose how you want the PDF export of the Issue Category to look like and include.


Roles/Permissions for all Versions: Here you can select the Roles you would like to assign to the Issue Category. This gives the users assigned to the Roles certain actions and visibility within this Issue Category and within the Issue itself.


Stages & Transitions: Here you will name and define each stage of your Issue and the workflow that must be completed prior to moving onto the next stage. You can have as many stages as you want and multiple transition options per stage.


Note: DO NOT CIRCLE BACK/LINK BACK TO A PREVIOUS STAGE (ex: Stage 1 > Stage 2 > Stage 4 > back to Stage 2). 



Issue Category Stage Configurations

Each stage will need to be configured once you have created the stages and transitions. There are 3 types of stage fields that you can choose from:

stage custom fields.png


Plain Text/Instructions: Basic text/information in the form


Account Custom Field: Account Custom Fields are configured under Settings - Custom Fields. 


Stage Custom Field: Stage Custom Fields will only appear in a particular stage form



Manage Stage Assignees/Signatures

After the stage fields have been created, you will need to click on Manage Stage Assignees/Signatures for each stage to fill in the data. You have to choose stage assignees and add at least 1 Signature in order to move to the next stage:

manage stage assignees.png

Stage assignees are notified when a stage is launched and ready for completion or when the user needs to complete workflows for the active stage. Each stage must have at least one assignee. Stage owners are chosen from the list of authorized individuals or roles.


You will also decide what users' signatures are required to move onto the next stage (stage signatures) or who needs to be notified that the stage has been completed. You can add as many signatures/view notifications that you want, choose the order in which they are sent, or you can choose to have them all sent at once by making the number the same. You can also choose whether they can be delegated and/or if a comment is required:




Approving a Category for Use

When an Issue is still in the draft state, you will see an approve button and a delete button in the General Settings section (top). You can only delete a category if it is in a draft state. Once your Issue Category is fully configured, navigate back to the top and click Approve For Use:


Once the Issue category has been approved for use, it will show as Active under Settings - Configuration - Issues:



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