Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Change Controls" to perform these steps.


Configurations for accessibility and visibility are set at the change control category level.


To add/edit a change control category accessibility and/or visibility

Click into the Change Control category that needs configuring by navigating to Settings - Configuration - Change Controls. Next, click the Change Control Key ID that you would like to open:


In the General Settings section, click on Manage Roles/Permissions:


When you click on the manage roles/permissions button, a slider will appear on the right side. It lists all possible permissions that can be assigned within a Change Control. Each permission is followed by a drop-down that will include all the roles that you have created in the application:


Note: Roles/Permissions setup within the category are specific to that category and do not carry over to other change control categories.


1. Can Edit All Settings In This Category - a user will be able to edit any settings particular to the specific category


2. Can See All Change Controls (Read Only Access) - a user will have read only access to see all Change Controls and active or completed Tasks under the specific category, the user will not be able to edit. 


3. Can Edit Active Stage of Any Change Control - a user will be able to edit any active stage in a Change Control that falls under this category


4. Can Edit Completed Stages of Any Change Control (Super Editor) - a user will be able to access Super Editor mode and edit completed stages of a Change Control in the category, we urge you to assign this sparingly


5. Can Create New Change Controls - a user will be able to create Change Controls under the specific category


6. Can Delete Change Controls - a user with this permission can delete a Change Control in the category


7. Can Cancel All Signatures and Revert to Prior Stage - user will be able to revert to a previous stage which will cancel any completed workflows/signatures


8. Can Delegate Signatures for Any Active Workflows - a user will be able to delegate any workflow step to another user (they do not have to be a supervisor)


9. Can Approve Stage / Task Due Date Extensions - if a Change Control/Stage needs a due date extension, this permission allows a user to approve the extension request


10. Receives Escalation Notices For Past Due Stages/Tasks - a user with this permission will be notified if any stage or task becomes past due


11. Can Access Audit Trail Date for Items in this Category - a user will be able to access the audit trail data for Change Controls in this category


Note: You can assign as many roles as you would like to each permission for a change control category.



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