Our requirements are fairly simple, but we started this section to help diagnose problems that may arise.
Supported Browsers
We support most any modern, standards compliant web browsers, including Chrome(recommended), Firefox(recommended), Safari, and Edge (Chromium). Security and speed are the major constraints with older browsers.
Speed Problems
If you are experiencing slowness in the app, in many cases this is due to a local issue with your network and it is best to run a speed test in your browser or contact your local IT department.
Common Problems With Browsers
- Make sure the browser you are using is updated to the most recent version
- Pop-up blockers often cause issues, disabling any pop-up blockers or if you must keep them make sure to "whitelist" all of ZenQMS' domains/resources. See this article re: whitelist domains.
- Network Firewalls sometimes restrict certain sites/resources we need to run our application-- beyond just app.zenqms.com, there are several resources from AWS or other services required. If you are trying to troublshoot and have a phone or Tablet handy, try turning off WiFi on that device and logging into ZenQMS from the device. If this works, then it's a quick way to know that the firewall is the culprit and your IT dept should be able to address this by ensuring ZenQMS and it's resources are properly whitelisted-- again see this article.
- If you are unable to perform a task due to things like missing icons/images or if a page is not loading, try logging in with a different browser and performing the same task to see if it's a browser specific problem.
- Screen Resolution: If a page, window, or document in the application appears to be cut off, just ZOOM out :). Usually find these options in the View section of commands.
- If a ZenQMS support person asks you to take a screenshot of your browser console after trying to perform something in the app, here is the step by step on how to do that:
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