Observations can be created from within the Audit. While in the Audit you will see Observations, this can be selected after the required fields have been filled out in the 'Details' section. o.jpg

Once you are on the Observations page, click the 'New Observation' button to go to the observation editor view.




Click the first dropdown to select a Severity (Comment/Minor/Major/Critical or custom names). Observations tagged as 'Comment' will not be scored and are automatically set as 'Resolved'. If the finding is a Repeat, change the field from the default. Use keywords to find and assign a Quality System/Category using the word filter at top/right. Enter a Scorecard Headline for the finding (short sentence or heading). Enter a Detailed Observation using the text editor or you can import a file. Click the 'Save' button at the top or bottom of the page. Note that the 'Add Citations' hyperlink appears at the BOTTOM of the page after you save the new observation.




In order to assign this Observation to an individual, you will need to access your Observation Full Table. Once there, click edit by the observation and assign that person within the Observation details section. Observations will not show in the Observations full table until the Audit has reached the "Published Final Report" state. 


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