1. Log into ZenQMS, click on the Documents Module on the left-hand side of the dashboard:


2. Click on the drop down labeled "My Documents Dashboard" and select "Documents: Full Table":


3. Use the table to search for the document you need to review, update or retire. Once you find what you’re looking for, click “Edit”:


4. Once inside the document management/review window, you will see Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_1.26.30_PM.png at the top.  Click on that button:


5. A document review/assessment window will appear with 3 options:


NOTE: You MUST add a comment first before selecting any of the three options

  • Item is Current - This is what you would click if the document is up to date and does not need to be modified. It requires you to log a comment then the E-signature box will appear and you can sign off on your review. If the item is current, the version will stay the same.
  • Item Must Be Updated - Updated is referred to as up-versioning. This is what you would click to make any edits and revisions to the current document.  You will be required to comment on what needs to be edited, it will then allow you to E-sign that it needs to be updated.  Once you have signed off, you will see this message and can begin to draft the new version that is automatically created and will be visible in the documents full table:


  • Item is Obsolete - This is what you click if you wanted to retire a document.  This requires that you make comments about why it is being retired and also requires a workflow, which is set at the document category level.  You have the ability to additional workflow steps if need be:


  • Once you click on the Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_1.35.46_PM.png button, the workflow will be started and sent to whoever has been assigned.  Once the workflow is complete the document will be in the retired state.
  • Once the Item has been retired it will be located in the Documents: Archive Full Table, that can be accessed by going to your Documents Module Dashboard and selecting Documents: Archive from the drop down.  If you do not see this as an option it means you do not have the correct permissions to access the documents archive and you will need to reach out to your admin.


At anytime you can click on the “Workflows/Signatures” subtab within a document to see where the document is within the signature process, who has already signed off and who needs to sign next:


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