NOTE: Users will need the permission "Can Create/Manage Document Categories" and "Category Editor" set to "Yes" at the document category level.

1. Log into ZenQMS and click the Documents Module from the Main Dashboard:


2. Click on the drop-down labeled "My Documents Dashboard" and select "Documents: Full Table":


3. Click on Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_10.43.07_AM.png, then click on Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_10.44.29_AM.png




4. Create a name for your Category and click on Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_10.45.18_AM.png

5. The "Manage Document Categories" box will appear and you will need to set the following fields.  These settings will be applied to all documents that fall in this category:

NOTE: Some settings may need to be changed at the document level

  • Archive Rule for Deletion: You will need to choose an archive rule for deletion. This determines if and when a document within this category can be permanently deleted from the system after it has been retired and is in the archive.
  • Automatically create training records for authors/workflow participants: Users who have been assigned to the approval workflow will automatically be given a compliant training record.
  • Default User Retraining Interval: Users will have to retrain on this document to whatever month value is chosen
  • Default Review Interval: Authors must review the document at whatever month interval value is chosen
  • Default Training Grace Period (days): This # of days will be added to the assignment date to calculate training due date for newly assigned users. Note that a user's actual training due date = (assignment date + grace period days)
  • Document Security - you will be able to choose from 4 different settings:
    • Users Can Download a Unrestricted PDF - selecting this option allows users to download and view a pdf version of your original document. Users will be able to view the same pdf version within ZenQMS as well. They will not be able to download the original version of the document.
    • Users Can Download Original File - selecting this option allows users to download the original version of the document. They will also be able to download and view a pdf version of your original file. Users will be able to view the same pdf version within ZenQMS as well.
    • Users Can Only View Document - selecting this option only allows users to view this document in a pdf format within ZenQMS. They cannot download any version of this document. 
    • Authorized Users Can Issue Controlled Copies - users will only be able to view the document in ZenQMS unless they are given permissions at the document category level to issue controlled copies. See this link for more: Understanding Controlled Copies
  • PDF Watermark: Text will appear in large red watermark font across all pages of the converted PDF. If you’d like to have a different PDF Watermark than “Uncontrolled”, make sure to update that field. If you would like to not have a watermark, delete “Uncontrolled” from the text box. 
  • PDF User/Time Stamp
    • Yes In Header - this option inserts a detailed time stamp in the header and includes user name, application environment, date/time in UTC format, and page numbers.
    • Yes in Watermark -  this option includes the user ID and time stamp as a watermark.
    • No - no timestamp will be applied to the document.
  • PDF Header with Document Data: This feature allows you to include a dynamically generated header that will include your company logo, document title, document category, version number, state, effective date, and ZenQMS document ID. You can choose up to 3 custom fields that you want included in the system generated header in addition to the default information outlined above.

7.  To add users and/or roles you want to be able to view/access/edit these documents in this specific document category, you will click on the number "0" behind "Users with Editor/Access Rights" link at the bottom of the "Manage Document Categories" details page.  In order for someone who does not have Super User permissions to be able to see the document they must be added here. 


8. You can then assign users individually or roles, by selecting from the drop down:

From this point you can choose what type of accessibility they will have. Click on this article for more information on Managing Document User Visibility & Accessibility

NOTE: Once the category is created, you can always go back by selecting the category from the drop down to changed/edit any settings.  Remember to click Screen_Shot_2018-07-09_at_11.00.07_AM.png after you have made changes.

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