Note: In order for a general user to have any visibility of documents in a specific category, they MUST at least be added to the document category under "User with editor/access rights". If you just want a read only visibility, set all to "No". 


Document visibility and accessibility is managed at the document category level. By default, without any special permissions, users will only be able to see and interact with documents that they are the owner of, a workflow participant for, or are assigned for training. For each document category, you can control a role or individual user's visibility, ability to modify documents, ability to add new documents, and ability to issue controlled copies.



Under the "Users with Editor/Access Rights" settings in the document category users table, there are additional permission settings that can be granted to users assigned to the document category. They are "Category Editor", "Can Add Files", and "Controlled Copy". The configurations outlined below:

  • User in table / everything set to No - The user will be able to see all of the documents within the category, but interaction will be restricted
  • User in table / Category Editor: Yes / Can Add Files: No - The user will be able to see all of the documents within the category and interact with documents with author level permissions. The user will not be able to create new documents in the category. 
  • User in table / Category Editor: No / Can Add Files: Yes - The user will be able to see all of the documents within the category and create new documents in the category. However, the user will have restricted interaction with any document where they are not an author.
  • User in table / Category Editor: Yes / Can Add Files: Yes - The user will be able to see all of the documents within the category, interact with documents with author level permissions, and create new documents in the category. 
  • User in table / Controlled Copy: Yes - The user will be able to see all of the documents within the category and can issue controlled copies for any documents with the Authorized Users Can Issue Controlled Copies security setting.


Adding A User To A Document Category Users Table / Changing A User's Configuration

1. Log into the ZenQMS

2. Click on the Documents Module from the Main Dashboard 

3. On the Documents Dashboard, select "Documents: Full Table" from the drop-down

4. Click  (above the table)

5. Select the document category from the drop-down menu

6. Click on the hyperlinked number next to the Users with Editor/Access Rights field (located above the  section)

7. Type a user's name into the  section then click on the user's name to add to the table

8. If you would like to change the user's configuration, search for the user in the  column

9. Click either the  or  located in the column to flip the value


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