Note: Users need the permission "Can Add New Tests" to perform these steps. It is also important to note, even if you assign a role to a test, and add a new user to that role,  they will not automatically be assigned to the test. You will have to assign them individually. This behaves different than other training functions.


Creating a Test

Log into ZenQMS and click on the Training Module icon from the Main Dashboard. From the My Training Dashboard dropdown, select Training: Tests.


Click on Add New Test. You will be prompted to add the name of the test. Click Create. Fill in all information on the Test Management/Review Window:



Authors: Click Manage Authors to add/remove up to 3 test authors by selecting from the dropdown.




  • Attempts Allowed: Number of attempts allowed to pass the test
  • Minimum Passing Score: Entry must be 0%-100%
  • Time Cap From Start: Time allowance to complete the test (0.5 – 12 hours)
  • Grace Period (Days): Number of days to complete the test.
  • Description: Describe your test in a few words
  • Instructions: Enter any additional information/instructions  


Links: Click Add Link to link another item in your ZenQMS account that you have access to.


Workflows/Signatures: Click the Launch Approval Workflow button to make the test effective.


Adding & Importing Questions

To add Questions individually: go to the questions tab, click add question. Type in your question, select the answer type, and click Save. Repeat as necessary.


To add multiple Questions at once: go to the questions tab and click import questions. You can download a template by clicking on the click here hyperlink and upload it in the same place.


Note: On the Tests Full Table you to manage the order of the questions (when in draft mode) and also see the cumulative pass rate for each question.


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