Note: Actionable items, such as signatures needed, can be found on the Activity List on the Main Dashboard. This Activity List is not related to user's training items.


If a user is assigned to a document workflow but is unable to sign-off, their supervisor can delegate the workflow signature step. The ability to delegate the workflow step is determined by two things: the category level setting and the user's supervisor. 


Document Approval Signature Delegation 

For a document approval, the ability to delegate is configured in the document category under Workflow for Publishing/Retiring (optional). The setting Can Step be Delegated? will need to be set to Yes to ensure workflow steps can be delegated:




To delegate, the supervisor will:


Select My Direct Reports Dashboard from the dropdown in their Main Dashboard. Click on the Signatures Needed action on the right hand side of the dashboard. Select the documents link:


Identify the document and workflow that needs to be delegated in the table that loads below. Click on the delegate icon. If this icon is grayed out, this item cannot be delegated:


A drop down list of the supervisor's direct reports, including themselves, will appear in a modal box.  Select a user to reassign the signature.  The below message will appear when the signature has been successfully delegated:


The selected user will be notified via their dashboard and the next daily summary, or via email based on the user's notification settings.



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