Note: The pie chart is in regards to training and training ONLY.


Components of the Pie Chart



1. Yellow (Coming Due or New/Incomplete): Shows training assignments coming due within the end of the next month and any "new/incomplete" training assignments that are newly assigned. If you click on this piece of the chart a list of the documents you are "at-risk" on will populate


2. Red (Past Due): Shows training that you have not completed by the due date and are now "past due". If you click on this piece of the chart, a list of the documents that are "past due" on will populate


3. Green (Completed or Not Due Yet): Shows training that you are currently compliant on, meaning you have completed the training or the due date is later than by the end of the next month.  If you click on this piece of the chart a list of the documents you are "compliant" on will populate


4. Center Circle %: Represents the percentage that you are compliant on. In this case "at-risk" training items are considered compliant. If you click on this piece of the chart a list of all documents from all three pie chart pieces will appear



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