Note: In order to have access to the "Configuration" tab, Users will need to be assigned the permission: "Member Administration/Configuration".


This article is a high-level overview of what can be found and what actions can be taken in the Configuration tab. 


To navigate to the Site Management tab

Log into ZenQMS and select the Settings icon found along left-hand panel from the Main Dashboard. This will open the Settings and Administration section:


Select the Administration tab at the top:


Click on Configuration:


Once you are in the Configuration you will see four tabs across the top:


Custom Fields - you can create and manage custom fields, both the type of field and the values associated.


Groups/Permissions - you can assign permissions (Permission Chart Overview) to existing or newly created groups/roles that you created in the Settings section (How to Add Users to Groups/Roles)


Workflow Templates - you can choose the workflow steps and users involved in the workflow approval for the following:


1. Audit Report: Publish Final Report

2. Audit Report: Send to Auditee


Form Templates - Here you can create and or upload existing forms you would like to be able to utilize within the Audit modules. Click here for more information on utilizing forms for Audits.


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