Disclaimer: Assignments are to be completed in the sandbox only. The assignments below are related to the lessons outlined in Super User Training: Lesson #5. Please refer back to the lesson if help is needed when completing the assignments. 



Training Courses Assignments

1. Create a training course and name it "Lesson 5 Training Course - [Your Last Name].


2. Add a document to the course.


3. Assign the role that you created to the training course.




Training Tests Assignments

1. Create a test and name it "Lesson 5 Test - [Your Last Name].


2. Add one true/false question.


3. Add one multiple choice question.


4. Assign yourself the test. 




Training Events Assignments

1. Create an OJT Event. name it "Lesson 5 OJT Event - [Your Last Name].


2. Add a document to the event. 


3. Assign your test user to the event.

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