Document Up-Versioning & Retiring Assignments
1. Navigate to the documents full table. Open the document that you have created.
2. Click "Review/Retire". Add a comment and/or a mark up on the document in the viewer window. Under the "Item Must Be Updated" dropdown, select "Major Upversion".
3. A workflow approval slider box will appear. You will see the approval steps for this type of revisioning that were created at the document category level. Select your primary user for the Approval Workflow.
4. Once the workflow is completed the Draft v2.0.1 will be created. You can open this from the green banner or via the Documents Full Table. Navigate to "More Options" and select "Delete".
5. Navigate back to the documents full table. Open the original document you created. Click "Review/Retire". Add a comment and/or a mark up on the document in the viewer window. Select "Item is Obsolete". Select your primary user for the Approval Workflow.
6. Complete the retirement workflow. Take a screenshot and send to
Draft Review Assignments
1. Create a new document "TRAINING Draft Review - Last Name" from the green plus sign on the dashboard. Mark this item as a training item, fill in the metadata, and add a file to the document.
2. When all of the information is filled in and saved, click on the "Launch Draft Review" button.
3. A slider box will appear with a dropdown to select the draft reviewers. This dropdown lists all active users in the account. Select your primary user to complete this review. Click "Launch Draft Review".
4. Navigate back to the main dashboard. On the activity list, select the notification by the "Signatures Needed". Click on the document key id to start the draft review.
5. Add comments and/or markups to the document in the review window. Click "Submit" when finished. The draft review is now finished.
6. Navigate back to the document and open the viewer. You can view the draft reviews when clicking the "Review and Suggested Edits" icon.
Collaborative Editing Assignments
1. Navigate back to the documents full table. Create a new document "TRAINING Collab Editing - Last Name", fill in the metadata, and add a file.
2. Click the collaborative editing icon on the document management/viewer window. A pop up will appear that states the editing session is going to open. Click "Open in Microsoft Word for the Web".
3. Make sure the editor is in "Reviewing" mode and "Track Changes" are on for "Everyone". Add comments and/or markups to the document in the review window. Close the collaborative editing tab when finished.
4. Navigate back to the document viewer. You can see all collaborative editing actions under the "version history" icon. When a user finishes an editing session, the edited file takes the place of the original for the document. This can be switched under the "Version History" icon as well.
Document Approval Assignments
1. Navigate to the documents full table and open a draft/draft reviewed document. It is now ready to be approved for use.
2. In the document viewer/management window, click on "Launch Approval Workflow".
3. A workflow approval slider box will appear. You will see the approval steps for this type of revisioning that were created at the document category level. Select your primary user for the Approval Workflow.
Assigning Training on a Document Assignments
1. Open your approve/effective document from the document full table.
2. Click on the "Training" icon.
3. Click on "Manage Assigned Trainees".
4. From the dropdown at the top left, select your Primary user for training assignment. When you have successfully added the Primary user to training on this item, you will see your name listed as a trainee and the item will appear on your Main Dashboard.
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