Disclaimer: Assignments are to be completed in the sandbox only. The assignments below are related to the lessons outlined in Super User Training: Lesson #2. Please refer back to the lesson if help is needed when completing the assignments. 



The Documents Dashboard Assignments

1. Navigate to the documents main dashboard. From the view selection, select the "My Company Dashboard" view. 


2. Take a screenshot of the dashboard and send it to training@zenqms.com



The Documents Full Table Assignments

1. Navigate to the documents full table. Customize the table view by rearranging, adding, and removing columns. 


2. Create one saved table view.


3. Once the table view has been saved, take a screenshot of the view and send it to training@zenqms.com



The Document Archive Table Assignments

1. Navigate to the documents archive table. Customize the table view by rearranging, adding, and removing columns. 


2. When finished, take a screenshot of the table and send it to training@zenqms.com



Document Category Assignments

1. Navigate to Settings - Document Categories. Click "create" to make a new category. Name the category "TRAINING Lesson #2: Last Name".


2. Fill in all required fields. 


3. Add an approval configuration for "Major" workflow by selecting "Manage".


4. Enter a custom Approval Step and select "Needs to Sign". Enter a custom Signature Reason and add your primary user as an Authorized user. Add the "TRAINING Lesson #1: Last Name" role and select "Requires Comment". Select Save.

5. Add an approval configuration for "Retire" workflow by selecting "Manage".


6. Enter a custom Approval Step and select "Needs to Sign". Enter a custom Signature Reason and add your primary user as an Authorized user. Add the "TRAINING Lesson #1: Last Name" role and select "Always Last". Select Save.

7.Assign the "Account Administration: Super User Role" and "TRAINING Lesson #1: Last Name" to all permissions for the category.


8. Customize the PDF options for the Data Page, Header, and Watermarks.


9. Add one custom field to the category. 


10. Adjust the Grace Period days and Retraining Interval.


11. Approve the Document Category for use.


Draft Document Assignments

1. Create a new document and name it "TRAINING Lesson #2: Last Name". Make sure the document is marked as a training item before clicking "Create".


2. Assign this document to "TRAINING Lesson #2: Last Name" category that you previously created.



Document Metadata Assignments

1. Add a file to the document. This can be an example SOP that you may have.


2. Fill out the metadata and make sure that training is required.


3. Launch the Approval Workflow and select your Primary user for the mandatory workflow steps. Complete the Approval workflow.


4. Take a screenshot of the document viewer and send it to training@zenqms.com.



Suggested Edits Assignments

1. Navigate to the documents full table. 


2. Open the document that you have created.


3. Click the "suggest edits" button. Add and submit a few suggested edits.


4. Navigate to the document from the full table and open the document. 


5. Click the "review and suggested edits" icon to review the suggested edits. Add a reply to one of the suggested edit comments.


6. Take a screenshot of the document viewer with your suggested edits and send it to training@zenqms.com.





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