Note: Super Editor Mode refers to an elevated access level granted to specific users or roles within the system in relation to Change Controls, Issues, & Tasks. 


Granting Super Editor Access

All users who are assigned to the Administration: Account Super Role has full access to enter Super Editor Mode and there are no additional permissions needed.


Users who are not in the Administration: Account Super User Role will need the permission "Can Edit Completed Stages of Any Change Control (Super Editor)" at the change control category level.


Activating Super Editor Mode on a Change Control

To activate the Super Editor Mode, click on the 3 - dot icon on the top right of the record and select Super Editor Access:

su editor.jpeg

Click Enter Super Editor Mode:

su editor.jpeg

Enter your user credentials in the slider box. A comment is also required to enter this mode. Click Submit Electronic Signature when finished:


When all actions are completed in Super Editor Mode, you will need to drop the access:



Activating Super Editor Mode on a Task

To activate the Super Editor Mode, click on the 3 - dot icon on the top right of the task and select Super Editor Access:


Click Enter Super Editor Mode:


Enter your user credentials in the slider box. A comment is also required to enter this mode. Click Submit Electronic Signature when finished:


When all actions are completed in Super Editor Mode, you will need to drop the access:



Reopening a Closed/Completed Change Control Stage

Super Editor Mode can be used to cancel workflow signatures and reopen a closed stage and/or record. 


Reopening a Closed Stage

Navigate to the record and click the 3-dot icon at the top right. Select Super Editor Access:su editor.jpeg

Once signed in as the Super Editor, navigate to the closed stage, open it, and click Cancel Workflows and Revert to This Phase:


When a stage is reopened, the signatures are wiped and when the stage is completed again, the approval signatures will need to be captured again.


Actions That Can Be Completed as a Super Editor

Below are the actions that a user can make when accessing Super Editor Mode for issues, change controls, and tasks.


Change Controls & Issues

Edit Stage Due Date Field

Edit Stage Assignee Table

The `Plus` button is visible and the User Can Add Tasks

Attachments/Links Can be Added or Deleted

Edit Record Titles

Edit Project Due Date

Edit Project Assignee Table

Add Comments

Edit All Custom Fields in the Stages

The "Cancel Workflow" button should be active to revert a completed or rejected workflow



Edit Task Due Date Field

Edit Tasks Assignee Table

Attachments/Links Can be Added or Deleted

Task Name/Short Description Changes

Add Comments

Edit All Custom Fields

The "Cancel Workflow" Link Will be Active to Revert a Completed / Rejected / Active Task Workflow, Including for Tasks with a Completed Status

Can Launch Workflow; This Button Will Still be Hidden if Task is Completed

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