Please read this article in its entirety before beginning the Super User Training. All trainings will be completed in the sandbox account. If you have any questions, please reach out to, your project manager (if applicable), or reach out to your internal account administrator.


You've been invited to take part in ZenQMS Super User Training. What does that mean and what do you do?


Each user invited has been assigned to our Super User Training Course. These training materials will walk you through the basic journeys of the application and help you to populate your sandbox with examples and teach you how to be a Super User in ZenQMS. This training includes mastering administrative functions and adding/managing documents and training.


When you receive your email invite to your ZenQMS sandbox, you will follow the instructions in the email and follow the link to log in.


To Complete the Super User Training Items

Click on the yellow section of your training pie chart on your Main Dashboard. The 5 Super User lessons will populate at the bottom of the screen: 


Start with Super User Lesson #1. Click on the blue pencil icon next to the training item to start the training: 


Review the training material on the left hand side in the file viewer. If there are training challenge questions in the right hand panel, they must need to be completed before completing the training. Click Complete Training when finished: 


Enter your user credentials to sign off on the item which acknowledges your completion of the training. A comment may be added, if needed. Click Submit Electronic Signature when finished: 


You will see a success banner at the top of the screen once you have signed off on the item: 


Your training pie chart will show the completed item in the green section. Click in the yellow section of the pie chart and repeat the process until all items are completed: 



Super User Training Assignments

Each Super User lesson will have accompanying assignment(s). Please complete each assignment in the sandbox environment after reviewing the lessons. When you are finished with the assignment(s), you can sign off on them for completion.  

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