The Documents Dashboard gives you an instant and detailed view into the state of all documents you are the owner of and lists all of your documents that are due for periodic review and also lists documents that have overdue or coming due target approval dates:
Documents Dashboard View Options
There are five view options on the documents dashboard:
My Documents Dashboard: All documents that you are the owner of.
My Direct Reports Dashboard: Documents that are owned by your direct reports.
My Company Dashboard: Company wide document information is here.
Documents Full Table: Access to the account's documents full table.
Documents Archive Table: Access to the account's archived documents.
Document Pipeline
The Pipeline bar chart shows what items are past their review date (red bar) or have a review coming due between now and the end of the next month (yellow bars) or due in the 9 months after that.
Does the "Documents Archive Table" only include documents archived by the user, or all company archived documents?
Great question Jennifer! The archive table will include all of the documents that have been retired company wide.
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