Note: Users will need the permission "Can See All Change Controls (Read Only Access)" at the Change Control category level to perform these steps.


When exporting a Change Control, you have options on what should be included in the PDF export and what you would like left out.


Exporting a Record

To export a change control, find the item you would like to export and click on the record's Key ID:


Once you open the record, navigate to the upper right hand corner and click on the 3 dots. From the dropdown, choose the Export option:


A slider will appear and you will be able to choose the section/stages you want included in the export, including the option to include all tasks and attachments:


As a reminder, when exporting a Change Control, the PDF export will display the current stage the Change Control is in on all pages.


Note: If you have attachments attached in the "Details" section and do not have "Details" checked but have included attachments, those attachments in the details section will not be included in the export.



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