Note: Users will need the permission "Configuration: Change Control" to perform these steps.


Creating a "cancellation workflow" for Change Controls will allow you to close out any duplicate or no longer needed Change Controls. This helps prevent you from needing to delete the item from the application. Please follow the steps below to create a cancellation workflow. This configuration will need to be completed while the Change Control category is in a draft state. If the Change Control category is active, a new version needs to be created by clicking Create New Version:


Navigate to the draft state Change Control Category clicking Settings - Configuration - Change Control. Click on the draft Change Control Category:


Under the General Settings section, click Manage Stages and Transitions:


Click on the blue plus (+button to add a new stage:


Add a new stage titled Change Control Cancelled and check the box for Final Stage and select Save:


Add new transitions to the Change Control Cancelled Stage in all stages within the workflow and select Save. By doing so, users have the ability to cancel the Change Control, if needed, during any stage of the workflow:


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