Below are tips that are helpful when configuring an Issue category.


Tip: Make sure that all your Roles have users assigned to them

Reason: If you assign a Role that has 0 users assigned to an approval step, stage, task, etc. You will get stuck, as there will no one to sign-off to complete the stage



Tip: Make sure that each stage has at least 1 transition

Reason: You cannot move to the next stage without a transition, you will get stuck on that stage.  The only stages that do not need transitions are Final Stages.



Tip: Include a Final Stage titled "Rejected: Closed"

Reason: If a Stage is Rejected and you just want to close it, you will want a final stage that will show that the Issue is closed but was not completed that can be seen in the full-table, so that users do not have to open the Issue to know that it is closed.  Otherwise, whatever stage that the Issue was rejected in will show in the full table.


Tip: Include a Final Stage for "Completed: Closed" 

Reason: When an Issue is completed the table will display whatever the name of your Final Stage is called. In order to let users know that it has been completed without having them go into the Issue, it is best to make that clear in the name of the Final Stage so it can be seen in the full-table



Tip: You cannot loop back in an Issue without cancelling the workflows for previous stages

Reason: Your Issue cannot be configured with a circular process flow, you cannot complete Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3, then loop back to Stage 1.  You would need to cancel/revert Stage 3, 2, then 1 and basically start over


Tip: Make sure that there is at least 1 user that has been assigned to the category that has the "Can Edit Completed Stages of Any Issue (Super Editor)" permission

Reason: If no Issue participants have that permission, no one will be able to cancel workflows or make changes to stages that have already been completed if required.



Tip: Only one user can be working in the Issue at a time

Reason: 2 users cannot be working on the same Issue at once, if another user is working in an Issue, you will see their initials in the upper right-hand corner of the Issue. If you hover over the circled initials you will be able to see who the editor currently is.  If you need to gain access you can make a request to that user by clicking on their circle and clicking on the "Request Edit Control" button.

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