There are three different types of training events that can be created in the Training Module. They are OJT Events, Personal Events, and Group Events. 


OJT Events

Note: The permission "Can Add New OJT Events" is needed to create an OJT training event.


An OJT Event behaves like a document training item because it can be set to recurring training intervals and assigned to a training course. OJT events differ from Group or Personal events in one key way, they don't need to be formally approved to be assigned/used. The other critical point about OJT Events is that users do not sign off on these events. OJT compliance is set by a trainer (who owns the OJT Event) or a user with the correct permissions, who can select the attendee for an OJT event and mark them compliant. Selected users can be forced to Retrain on OJT events:

example ojt event.png


Personal Events

Note: The permission "Can Add New Training Events" is needed to create a Personal training event.


A Personal Event is like a class and/or training that users completed outside of their company.  A user with the correct permissions can also create a personal event for another user. Users can create the event, enter the date of the event, add event details and add file attachments. The personal event will need to be triggered for approval and signed by the organizer, but it will also need to complete a final approval by their direct manager. Once the user's direct manager signs off on the event, it will be marked as "compliant" for the user. A direct manager is the assigned supervisor for a user:



Group Events

Note: The permission "Can Add New Training Events" is needed to create a Group training event.


A Group Event is an event that occurs on a specific date and time. The event organizer (who owns the event) assign trainees to the group training event. When that date and time comes due, each trainee will get a training assignment in their training dashboard to sign off for completion of the training event. The trainees attend the group training event and then sign off in ZenQMS themselves. This event type is the only type that a trainee signs off for to acknowledge completion:

group training event.png

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